"Por vezes sentimos que aquilo que fazemos não é senão uma gota de água no mar. Mas o mar seria menor se lhe faltasse uma gota."
(Madre Teresa de Calcuta)
Hi, I'm very pleased that you appreciate my blog and website, so I decided to ask you a little help: my website is having trouble so I need to obtain much more visitors from allover the world, can you help me? Only if you can and if it's not a problem, can you put a link in your BLOG to my WEBSITE? The URL is: www.anticastirpe.it and the anchor text is: "Antica Stirpe | Rievocazioni Storiche" so that the final result is "Antica Stirpe | Rievocazioni Storiche" To help you, I'll put a link to your blog in mine if you decide to help me with this little thing, so that we both take advantage in this exchange. Thank you since now for your help. Malderius
Scrivere in italiano perché io capisco. Io sono felice per sapere che tu piacque mio Blog. Mi piacque anche il Suo. grazie e baci.
Hi, I'm very pleased that you appreciate my blog and website, so I decided to ask you a little help: my website is having trouble so I need to obtain much more visitors from allover the world, can you help me?
Only if you can and if it's not a problem, can you put a link in your BLOG to my WEBSITE? The URL is: www.anticastirpe.it and the anchor text is: "Antica Stirpe | Rievocazioni Storiche" so that the final result is "Antica Stirpe | Rievocazioni Storiche"
To help you, I'll put a link to your blog in mine if you decide to help me with this little thing, so that we both take advantage in this exchange.
Thank you since now for your help.
Hello Malderius. I already put a link of your page in my Blog and i appreciated that you made the same. See you soon.
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